This is a utility that allows Pocket PC users with VGA screens to run Windows Mobile 5 in true VGA mode.(ie 640x480 resolution) This software is designed to work on a Dell Axim x50v Pocket PC, but will also work on most other VGA enabled Pocket PC's too.
Below is an example of a QVGA screen and a VGA screen. As you can see the VGA screen has 4 times the area available. This lets you view more on the screen at one time, but also makes everything 4 times smaller. So depending on how good your eyes are, use the pictures below to decide which one you would prefer to look at and use.(Take note that the images below will appear a lot sharper and clearer on your device.) For more comparison images please have a look here too.
For a very detailed explaination regarding VGA and screen resolution on Pocket PC's, go to
Installation Instructions
There are a couple of ways to install this application.
You can download the executable file to your PC and run it. This will step you through a simple process to install the program on your Pocket PC.
If you wish to download directly to your Pocket PC you can download the zip file or the individual cab files. Just run the cab files from your Pocket PC to install MvRTrueVGA, be sure to install first and then
To switch your Pocket PC back to QVGA mode, use the utility VGAToggle found in Start > Programs or just uninstall MvRTrueVGA by tapping Start > Settings > System > Remove Programs, and remove MvRTrueVGA. After a soft reset of your Pocket PC you will be back to QVGA mode again.
Version 1.3 Added modified mui files to the installation to display the Brightness, Microphone and Power applets correctly while in True VGA mode. Also modified VGAToggle to make the required changes between the modes so that these applets display correctly. The original files were provide by makuu on Aximsite. Thanks again for your efforts makuu.
Version 1.2
Added new dll's to the installation to allow more icons to be displayed when a device has been updated to AKU 2.3.1. This version was specifically designed to work with the Dell Axim x51v with the A12 English ROM update. But it may work on other VGA enabled devices too. The original files were provide by makuu on Aximsite, an install package with ozVGA is also provide at this link. Thanks for your efforts makuu.